KATA community website

This website was created to support the KATA community by, for example, providing a noticeboard of news items and a diary of events. It also provided details of how to join KATA for prospective members.

KATA published a regular newsletter, KATAlog, with all the latest news on public transort in Kingston. You can find past issues on the KATAlog newsletters page.


Introduction to the Kingston Area Travellers' Association

KATA was a pressure group, founded in 1991 by Tony Adams, covering all aspects of public transport in Kingston upon Thames and the surrounding town centres.

- KATA fights for better public transport.
- KATA believes increased public transport is the only alternative to unacceptable air pollution.
- KATA supports renationalisation of the railways and buses.
- KATA argues that London's fares, amongst the highest in Europe, should be reduced to encourage less car use.


Current status

Tony Adams was always the driving force behind KATA and he did almost all of the work, for which he has our thanks. When he became unable to continue this work in 2014 the society stopped. The website is being kept online mainly because it has an archive of the KATAlog newsletters.

If anybody is interested in ressurecting KATA then please contact the manager of this website, Matthew Rees, at reesmf@gmail.com